
Posts Tagged tweens

No More Bullying

No More Bullying

“No more bullying” is more than a teens’ issue. Prevention of bullying is rather a social investment. Every action aiming at improving the physical and psychological well-being of the youngest has lasting effects on the next generations. But to be effective, such investment must aim at shaping […]

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Social Acceptance May Trigger Bullying

Social Acceptance May Trigger Bullying

Social acceptance may represent both a cause and an effect of bullying as well as one the most common psychological factors in group dynamics. High social acceptance is common among leaders and doers as well as in followers. High social acceptance is the key to enter a group, to live in a […]

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Why Bullying Victims Portrait Is Always the Same

Why Bullying Victims Portrait Is Always the Same

When it comes to bullying victims, it becomes obvious that the portrait of bullying victims is always the same. Bullying is everywhere and it also hurts anyone. The same are the mechanisms of persecution; the same the effects on the victim. And their silence strengthens the abuse. Vulnerability, […]

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Online Bullying Threats and Facts

Online Bullying Threats and Facts

October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. According to the last annual study of the internet security firm McAfee, examining the online behavior and social networking habits of U.S. preteens and teens, titled “2014 Teens and the Screen study: Exploring Online Privacy, Social Networking, and Cyberbullying”, online […]

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