
Posts Tagged workplace

How Workplace Bullying Makes Your Health at Risk

How Workplace Bullying Makes Your Health at Risk

Bullying has unhealthy consequences in the workplaces that foster or tolerate it, where health does not matter. I would like to clarify that by means of  three consequent statements: main effects of workplace bullying are fright, vulnerability and stress fright, vulnerability and stress at work mean an increased incidence of mood […]

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Be Aware of Workplace Bullying Victimisation

Be Aware of Workplace Bullying Victimisation

We can’t stay indifferent to suffering of those workers who are the victims of workplace bullying behaviour. They don’t ask for help. They don’t know why it happens. They are silent, insecure, defenceless, vulnerable. They are victims of workplace bullying violence twice. Firstly, when workplace bullying practices […]

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The 10 Commandments To Raise Bullying Awareness

The 10 Commandments To Raise Bullying Awareness

Moses managed to write The Ten Commandments using just 180 words. So will Mobbible, to raise awareness about bullying. Here are The 10 Commandments of Mobbible: 1. Show the right way to those who are roving or have lost their way and reached a dead end 2. Light up the lives […]

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How To Define Workplace Bullying

How To Define Workplace Bullying

How to define workplace bullying? Let’s start blogging about it by listing the following five features of bullying: Repetition Duration Escalation Power Imbalance Intention or Purpose. Moreover workplace bullying does result in several behaviours and tactics within the workplace. Anyway all of them are abuses.  

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